Tuesday, January 02, 2007


With the New Year upon us it is time I come up with a list of Earth-shattering resolutions. I can hear you asking yourself now though: how can you improve upon utter perfection? Not to worry, it's a very short list!

1. I will never let updating Top to Bottom get so out of control as it did at the end of 2006. There is nothing more important in my life than making my fans happy. Okay, so I lie--making myself happy is the most important, but you come in at a very close seventh.

2. I will stop using the word "fabulous". I'd hate to alienate my gay fan base, but I've never been one to bow down to peer pressure and I certainly won't bow to queer pressure. The word has been over-used, thanks to the spiritless folks at Entertainment Weakly.

3. I will find three new charities to contribute my precious time to and they will not include things like "Finding Matthew a Better Haircut" or "Giving People Coupons to Get Their Backs Waxed".

4. I will be more fabulous. (The last time, I promise!)

5. And I will consider making amends with Martha Stewart. Maybe.